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Research that backs the claim that Employee Legacy Planning’s time has come:


  1. The 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer: The most prolific annual research regarding trust in business, NGOs, employers, and government. A fun, must-read for insight into human trust and trusting employers.

  2. The State of the Global Workplace 2023 Report: Change the way you manage people. This is a revealing read that will open your eyes to why you should include Employee Legacy Planning as part of your employee benefits program.

  3. The Mental State of the World in 2023: It’s disturbing that with each new generation, mental well-being declines. This Sapien Labs article outlines the issue we face, Employee Legacy Planning addresses how to reverse this trend.

  4. Find Out Why Over Half of CEO’s expect Leadership to be more Challenging in 2024:

  5. For KinderCare, It All Started With Culture:

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